
Supercharge Your Outdated Systems



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A Walk Through the Webinar

Revolutionize outdated systems, and enhance operations.
Learn best practices for updating legacy systems.
Automate tasks, streamline processes and extract insights.
Improve user experience, and drive decision-making.
Gain insights from real-world success stories.

Webinar Recording

June 15,2023 | 03:00 PM EST

About Your Hosts

The webinar will be hosted by Jim Edwards, Digital Transformation Consultant, and Frank Braski, Chief Evangelist - AI, IoT & RPA, with extensive knowledge and experience in artificial intelligence (AI) and system optimization.
Frank Braski
Chief Evangelist - AI, IoT & RPA
Jim Edwards
Advanced Technology Account Executive

Transform Your Journey With Our AI Experts

Here’s what you’ll get:

             1.Customized Use Cases for your company, your role, department, and your industry.

             2.Road-Map including ROI, Cost Estimate and Timeline for up to 5 use cases

Invest in yourself! Don’t miss out on the opportunity to stay ahead of the curve and learn how AI (ChatGPT) can benefit your business.

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Webinar Q&As

Integrating AI-based solutions such as ChatGPT into your business infrastructure can bring significant benefits, but it also comes with challenges and considerations. Here are key factors that you should consider:

  • Data privacy and security: ChatGPT, like many AI systems, needs data to work effectively. Ensure that the implementation of ChatGPT complies with your organization's privacy policies and international and local data protection regulations. For instance, personal customer data should be anonymized or obfuscated to maintain privacy.
  • Integration with existing systems: Integrating ChatGPT could be more or less complex, depending on your current infrastructure. It's essential to understand the compatibility of ChatGPT with your current systems and what changes might be needed to ensure seamless integration.
  • Training and fine-tuning: Though ChatGPT comes pre-trained, but you might want to fine-tune it on your specific domain to increase its effectiveness. This will require additional resources, including data and expertise.
  • User Experience (UX): The UX of your application will likely change with the introduction of ChatGPT. Plan for this change and ensure you have the resources to implement and test new UX designs.
  • Testing and Validation: Before fully deploying ChatGPT, it's essential to carry out comprehensive testing to ensure it's working as expected and not producing unwanted outcomes. This can help uncover and address any unforeseen issues that may arise.
  • Ongoing Maintenance and Updates: AI systems aren't set-and-forget. They need regular maintenance and updates to stay effective. Make sure you factor in the time and resources for this in your plans.


Regarding costs, the major areas to consider would be:

  • License costs: Depending on the usage, costs may be associated with using the ChatGPT API.
  • Development costs: These include the expenses associated with the initial integration of ChatGPT into your current infrastructure, which can vary greatly depending on the complexity of your systems.
  • Maintenance costs: This includes the price of ongoing updates, system checks, debugging, and ensuring the smooth running of the AI system in your infrastructure.
  • Training and fine-tuning costs: Depending on your needs, you may need to invest in further training of the model, which can require additional resources.
  • Potential infrastructure upgrades: Depending on the current state of your IT infrastructure, you might need to invest in upgrades to support the integration and operation of ChatGPT effectively.

 In summary, the integration of ChatGPT should be a strategic decision, balancing the potential benefits against the required investment of time, resources, and costs. To get the most out of your investment, it's important to plan carefully, consider all factors, and be prepared to invest in the necessary areas.

The application of modern AI technologies like ChatGPT can enhance data security and privacy, particularly compared to some outdated systems. Here's how:

  • Advanced Algorithms for Data Protection: AI can be leveraged to build advanced algorithms that detect and protect against malicious activities. An example is AI-driven Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS), which can identify unusual activity and flag potential security risks. Similarly, the application of ChatGPT in your systems can be tuned to monitor and flag suspicious conversations or transactions.
  • Privacy by Design: With ChatGPT, data privacy can be part of the system's design. As an AI language model, ChatGPT doesn't need to store personal data to function effectively. Conversations processed by the ChatGPT model are not stored or used to improve the model. Thus, there's an in-built mechanism to prevent the misuse of personal data.
  • Anonymization and Obfuscation: AI technologies can anonymize or obfuscate sensitive data before processing, ensuring that personally identifiable information (PII) isn't exposed. This feature can be integrated into systems that employ ChatGPT.
  • Automation: AI solutions like ChatGPT can automate processes that would otherwise require human intervention, thus reducing the risk of human error, a significant cause of data breaches.
  • Updates and Patches: Modern AI technologies can be updated frequently to address any newly discovered security vulnerabilities, a feature that may not be available or infrequently utilized in outdated systems.

 However, it's important to remember that while AI can enhance data security and privacy, it isn't a silver bullet. It should be part of a comprehensive, multi-layered security strategy that includes other elements such as firewalls, secure network design, encryption, secure coding practices, and continuous staff training on data protection.

 Furthermore, while AI models like ChatGPT are designed with data protection in mind, the actual implementation should also be secure. Data privacy protocols should be strictly followed when integrating the AI model into your systems.

Predicting the exact trajectory of AI and technologies like ChatGPT is challenging due to the rapid pace of advancements in the field. However, based on current trends and the capabilities of these technologies, we can make some educated guesses about the future.

  • Increased Personalization: AI language models like ChatGPT are expected to understand the context better, leading to more personalized and human-like interactions. This can improve the user experience in customer service, sales, marketing, and more.
  • Greater Domain Expertise: While ChatGPT is already very versatile, future versions will likely have even better specialized knowledge and specific domain expertise capabilities. This could extend its applications into more technical or specialized industries.
  • More Seamless Integration: As AI technologies mature, we can expect more seamless integration with existing software, applications, and business processes. This will make it easier to apply AI across various business operations.
  • Improved Real-time Responses: Advancements in processing power and model optimization can make real-time responses even more efficient. This could open up new applications like real-time transcription services, translation, or live customer service interactions.
  • Better Multimodal Capabilities: Future iterations of AI models could have better multimodal capabilities, meaning they can process and generate not just text but also images, audio, and even video. This can lead to more comprehensive applications, from media generation to enhanced virtual reality experiences.


As for how businesses can prepare for these changes:

  • Invest in AI literacy: As AI becomes more prevalent, it will be necessary for decision-makers and employees at all levels to understand at least the basics of AI, including its potential uses and limitations.
  • Data Management: Good AI depends on good data. Businesses should ensure that they have systems in place to collect, store, and analyze data effectively while ensuring privacy and compliance with data protection regulations.
  • Strategic Planning: Consider how AI could affect your industry and business specifically, and begin making strategic plans to adapt. This could involve everything from budgeting for new technology investments to considering potential changes in your workforce.
  • Pilot Projects: Consider starting with small pilot projects to explore how AI can add value to your business. This can provide valuable experience and data to inform larger-scale implementations.

As for where it will be integrated, potential sectors include healthcare (for patient care and medical research), education (for personalized learning), customer service (for handling customer inquiries), human resources (for recruitment and employee engagement), marketing (for personalized advertising), finance (for risk analysis and management), and many others. AI has broad applicability and can provide benefits wherever large amounts of data are available for analysis and prediction.

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Lorem ipsum is placeholder text commonly used in the graphic, print, and publishing industries for previewing layouts and visual mockups.Lorem ipsum is placeholder text commonly used in the graphic, print, and publishing industries for previewing layouts and visual mockups.
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Lorem ipsum is placeholder text commonly used in the graphic, print, and publishing industries for previewing layouts and visual mockups.Lorem ipsum is placeholder text commonly used in the graphic, print, and publishing industries for previewing layouts and visual mockups.
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Lorem ipsum is placeholder text commonly used in the graphic, print, and publishing industries for previewing layouts and visual mockups.Lorem ipsum is placeholder text commonly used in the graphic, print, and publishing industries for previewing layouts and visual mockups.
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 Reinvent Your Legacy Systems with ChatGPT
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